Month: March 2016


I finally felt it today.

Sure, there is still snow on the ground from our 4th round of winter.

Yes, the kids are recovering from Strep throat.

But this morning the sun shone differently.

I could hear the birds chattering with excitement.

And when I looked out my bedroom window (ready for it’s seasonal cleaning), I believed them.

Spring is almost here.

I’m ready to celebrate.



Chocolate Chip-Cinnamon Muffins

It’s a well publicized fact (on my personal blog) that I am a breakfast person. I am also a coffee person, a baked good person, a chocolate person… I really enjoy a freshly baked muffin in the morning with my cup of joe. This hits the mark on a number of levels. And it’s so easy to whip up- to appease the craving. Please note: it’s very satisfying eating this warm, while the chocolate is still soft… The cinnamon adding just another little hint of depth. (It’s really like eating a cupcake. But don’t tell anyone.) So sit back and relax. You have my permission to take in the moment.

As organic as possible:

1/2 cup Butter, melted

3/4 cup Milk

2 Eggs, beaten

1 Tbsp Vanilla

2 cups Flour

3/4 cup Sugar

1 Tbsp baking powder

1/2 tsp Salt

1/4 tsp Cinnamon

11.5 oz Milk Chocolate Chips


Preheat the oven to 350°. Using non-stick spray or butter, grease a 12 cup muffin pan. (Or line with pretty papers)

In a large bowl, whisk the flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and cinnamon. Remove about 3 tablespoons of the dry mixture and in a small bowl toss with the chocolate chips. Set aside.

In a medium bowl, whisk the butter, milk, eggs, and vanilla. Slowly add the dry flour mixture and stir until combined. Gently fold in the chocolate chips.

Spoon the mixture into the prepared muffin pan, filling to the brim. Bake for 20-25 minutes until a toothpick comes out clean. Allow to cool slightly before indulgence.

Pour yourself a cup of coffee (or tea, or milk… or whatever you like to drink) and serve. Enjoy!


Loving Lately ⚠

Loving Lately: Information

This week was sadly informative to me. I saw new articles about Johnson & Johnson admitting their baby products contain causing chemicals; the French were told to avoid 185 cosmetic products; Mars recalls chocolates in 55 countries because they contain plastic; A list of wines containing high levels of arsenic….

Here I go again. But in all seriousness, I am so thankful for the people who go out of their way to share, unveil, discover important information. Whistle blowers like take it upon themselves to spread alarming facts. Information is power, because “what you don’t know can hurt you.” Granted you might never eat a Girl Scout Cookie again, and you might be terrified by the alarming percentage of glyphosate, a cancer causing herbicide, in your German beer. But at least you know, and once you are informed you can try to make the best decisions for you and your family. I’m not perfect in my choices. Not everything that goes into my mouth is organic or non GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms). We occasionally eat at chain restaurants that not committed to any ethical standard besides what the FDA insists upon (squirming in my seat). Certainly I value and accept invitations to dinner from friends and family members who may not hold to my food values. That said, I think every amount you do in making healthy and whole choices matters. Every certified organic product you consume is that much less deadly and disease causing chemicals and such that you and your loved ones partook. And it supports farm practices and preservation of truly natural methods of growing food and livestock that you can feel proud about passing on.

I think the first video I watched that truly made an impact was about factory farming from It seems simple in concept to me now, but it was mind-blowing to me a decade or so ago. I grew up in a rural area. I saw cornfields and farms regularly. I never thought farms not being what I understood them to be.

I realize the draw of “factories”, pesticides, genetically modified fertilizers… Of course producers want the most bountiful crops and largest livestocks. But at what cost? Who is really paying the price? We are aware that we are ingesting known carcinogens, contributors to heart disease, links to Autism and Alzheimer’s. Not that long ago they were putting lead in make-up; and people’s hair and teeth started falling out. Remember that Chinese emperor who was so special, he was the only one allowed to drink (now known to be toxic) jade tea? He “got sick” and died. We don’t even know all of what we are doing to ourselves. Do you really want to be part of food and product experiments?

Ok, I’m done. (today)




Sometimes I wake up with such big aspirations… which could also be referred to as small attainable goals. I get my game plan together: “Today I need to give the middle kids a bath.” (Side note: The eldest and youngest got theirs last night. I’m not one of those “crazy” people who think you need to bathe every day… And I’m just kidding about thinking people who shower every day are crazy. Many members of my family are everyday people. More power to you. I’m just more of an every other day type of person.) Ok, let’s get back on track. So on the day’s list is “Give the middle kids a bath; Enroll Isaiah in flag football, sign Naomi up for gymnastics, and call about soccer for Elijah; remind my husband about scheduling the windshield replacement; email the guy about the travel trailer; catch up on laundry (my nemesis); etc.

I realize this all sounds very doable. And in theory I agree. Of course, there is the regular daily stuff to do too. I wake up, change the baby, pour a cup of coffee, pack Isaiah’s lunch, start breakfast for four kids (a special menu for the baby, no dairy means no butter, pancakes (with milk), cheese, yogurt…), unload and load the dishwasher… Have I read my Bible today? Did I yesterday? I really need to get on the treadmill. Today is the day I’m going to count calories. Get the baby off of the kitchen table. Who’s calling my name. Oh, Elijah needs help in the bathroom (my newly potty-trained big boy!). Shoot, where’s the baby. “Mom! Noah is on the stairs!” Ok, run to get the baby before he gets into Isaiah’s lego-land. Ugh, did he poop? Change the baby’s diaper (2 down, umpteen to go). Oh no, I need to roll the sausage over. The toast is probably cold- Isaiah won’t eat butter if he can see it. Ok, gather everyone to the table. Elijah got his own water from the fridge… get a towel before everyone soaks their socks. Is that lip gloss on the kitchen cabinet? “Naomi, did you put on lip gloss?” Check her face. Affirmative. “Did you leave a lip print on the cabinet?” Add to list Magic Eraser the cabinet. What’s in the baby’s mouth. Oh my gosh, Owen left his socks on the floor. “No, Noah don’t put that in your mouth!” Ok, time to eat. (I will spare you all of the details. It’s mostly just constant reminders for the children to actually put the food in their mouth, and for the baby to sit down; because he is a master of high chair escape.) There is at least 1 spill, probably more. What time is it? Isaiah go brush your teeth, your bus will be here in 10 minutes. Start the clean up. Make sure Isaiah’s lunch, snack and water bottle are in his bag. “Mom! Noah is on the table again!” Save Noah. Watch Isaiah get on the bus. Elijah asks for a snack. I reply we just had breakfast.

Wow, what was I supposed to do today? Because it’s not even 8:30 am, and I could really use a nap.