Month: June 2018

The Peter Rabbit Tea Party

Once again, the time came upon us to indulge the children with an afternoon garden party. My mother lives for this type of thing. If you have followed this blog for any length of time, you may remember the Peter Rabbit Tea Party she hosted a few years ago. Looking back at those pictures really got me reminiscing. I can’t believe how much has changed over the years! I’m so thankful my mom and dad take the time to make their grandchildren feel special. Actually, it makes us all feel special. I honestly feel like, for a moment, we are transported back in time to something very nostalgic and meaningful. Simultaneously, I am capturing the present moment; my pre-teen son not wanting to smile for the camera, and my baby’s bandage from a very fresh wound… Oh, it all goes by in a blink. I urge you: take the time to make special memories. Children really are our greatest investment! Okay, okay I’ll stop before I get emotional. On to the party!

Upon arrival, Peter Rabbit himself greeted us and led us toward the party…

Along with Jemima Puddle-Duck (and her basket of eggs; i.e., sidewalk chalk so the kids could jump right into play.)

As well as, other various characters from Beatrix Potter’s classic stories…

And just like that, the mood was set for surprise and delightful anticipation of what lies ahead. Naturally, one would want to dress for such an occasion. Therefore, the ladies and gents alike were given opportunity to adorn themselves before attending the luncheon.

The table was arranged with finger sandwiches and tea cups; which were in reality filled with chocolate milk and juice- since our kids don’t actually prefer tea. There were chocolates, and Peter Rabbit themed party “crackers” filled with prizes. (Hence the crowns…) And, if you know my middle son, you know why it makes complete sense that he was the first child sitting at the table.

Baskets were hung at every seat, which were to be used for an egg hunt. Each child had to find an individual egg brimming with candy and other hard-boiled eggs to be used later for an egg toss.

There was also a fresh fruit option, that I’m not sure any kid tried.

Lemon bunny cake for dessert. (How cute are the carrot forks!)

I think they enjoyed themselves.

It’s a party dah-ling, “too many accessories” does not apply.

Rascals? Nah.

The attention to detail was noticeable everywhere.

Inside, the adults didn’t fare too badly either.

Enough eating… Let the games begin! (And maybe a little butterfly catching if time permits.)

The hunt is on.

When all of the eggs had been found it was time for a little relaxation… and a photo op!

Then the egg toss. This is serious…

But not like “set down your lipgloss” or “use your dominant hand” serious.

However, there were prizes at stake. So the bigger kids had to take a few steps back.

Prize time! Everyone got a little something… But, can someone please tell me how she won?

Next, we were off to the races!

We’re ready.

Nope. Now we’re ready.

Wait a minute. Get back to start, you little cheater.

Ok. Now we’re really ready.

Some people just can’t handle the thought of losing.

And some people have to stop mid-race to get a drink… She wins again!

Next up…

On your mark, get set…


And the girls win it again!

That was hard work. I think we deserve some cake. Time to spread out our blankets and listen to tales of Peter Rabbit, Benjamin Bunny, and Mrs. Puddle-Duck. Not a bad way to end the day.

Actually, the day ended with more food, watching the Peter Rabbit movie and a sleepover.

Thanks for the memories Granny and Gramps. You’re the best.

