Loving Lately

The hot dog is an American classic.

Hot dogs are synonymous with BBQ’s, baseball games and basically all things summer. It’s made of pork, beef, chicken, turkey or combinations thereof, and a bun (and nobody wants to get more specific with ingredients than that.) Moreover, they are tasty, salty, meaty carriers of creative toppings. Hot dogs can be grilled, boiled, baked or even microwaved (I actually know people who prefer them this way, I don’t judge), and for my low-carb friends- just omit the bun. (Once it’s smothered with chili and onions, you won’t even miss the bread!)

If you are looking for some new ways to dress your dog, look no further! Williams-Sonoma just made hot dogs ideas the front cover of their current catalog. And since I’ve never been disappointed with my WS recipes, I gladly pass along their blog link: Five Chef-Approved Ways to Top a Hot Dog.

Courtesy of Williams-Sonoma.com

Oddly enough, when I was a child I didn’t like hot dogs. But as an adult, I figured it out. It’s all about finding the right hot dog for you. Personally, I like Hebrew National- all beef; no if’s, and’s or butt’s. It just works for me. In one of my Barefoot Contessa cookbooks, she talks about Martha Stewart’s philosophy of “best in class.” Whatever the ingredient, try to get the best- the one you like the most. So, if you’ve been unhappy with your selection, here are some suggestions of The Best Supermarket Hot Dog Brand You Can Buy according to BonAppetit.com.

Courtesy of BonAppetit.com

I love experimenting with flavors. Why not? Chicago Style, New York, Pizza Dog, the Hawaiian Hot Dog Recipe pictured below… If you can’t have fun playing up a hot dog, then what can you have fun with? Ponder that.

Courtesy of CookingChannel.com

Of course, there’s no shame in keeping it simple. Ketchup. Just mustard? Really, hot dogs are about gathering and having fun. So, call your friends and fire up the grill! Sun’s out ‘hot dog’ buns out!

Featured Image is the Grilled Link Hotdog with Homemade Pickle Relish from Foodnetwork.com