
The Blip

Can I just set the table, invite you in, and pretend that no time has passed? If Marvel can do it, with all of their amazing idea people (I’m certain that’s their official title), marketing strategists, and infinite budget; I think I can. I’m going with it.

What’s different? Well, WordPress (my blog source) for one, so it’s going to take me a minute to figure this out. (Also, you may have noticed, not that long ago, ahem, I accidentally published an old rough draft. So embarrassing. Sorry about that.) In general, I’m a little older; I started a new part time job; I homeschool two of my children; and I found a YouTube program called “Country Life Vlog” that I love and highly recommend. But mostly, things are a lot the same. I feed my family; I do a lot dishes; I still have a strong love of cookbooks and molded bakeware… I still like to write.

So, I plan on writing more- because I am convinced it’s good practice (for writers to write). I’m dusting off my camera, as things go, so you may see more photos on Instagram. I am inviting you to the table, for the reason that I believe community and connection to humanity is good. There is something innate about it, for me, so here I am.

Welcome (back) to the Nest.