
Another Liebster Award!

Thank you to Healthy in All Hues for nominating me! I love your idea for sharing the good things you want to do in life. And I want to hang out with you at the beach having a “Low Country Boil” and building sand castles!
The Liebster award is a promotional award from bloggers to bloggers aimed at recognizing blogs having less than 200 followers. I am so thankful to be nominated by Healthy in All Hues and I happy to share great blogs I’ve come to appreciate in hopes that more will enjoy them too!
Here’s how the award works:
• Link back to the person who nominated you
• Answer the 11 questions given to you by the nominator
• Display the Liebster award logo in your post
• Nominate up to 11 other bloggers with less than 200 followers
• Create 11 questions for the nominees
• Notify all nominees via social media/blogs
Here are my answers for the questions I was given:
1. How did you get started on your blog?
I have been a stay at home mom for 9 years, my youngest being almost 9 months old now. I really wanted a creative outlet!
2. What is the hardest thing you’ve found about blogging?
Time to do it. My life is so busy, I still have two in diapers! (Working on that…)
3. What is your favorite blog post?
That’s an interesting question. Probably the one about my grandma on the 4th of July. I loved going through those photographs and thinking about her.
4. If you had one day left to live, what would you do?
Yikes! I would probably say a prayer something like this “Thank you God for giving me a wonderful life. What do You want me to do?”
5. Sweet or savory?
Savory… And then sweet. Lol.
6. What is your favorite passion or hobby?
Baking/Cooking. (and blogging about it)
7. What is a motto or quote you live by?
“Love your neighbor as yourself. Love yourself.” There is so much wisdom in that!
8. Name one person that has inspired you.
My sister. She naturally makes great food. And she has an amazing way of thinking up over-the-top ideas for a party and actually making them happen.
9. What is a guilty pleasure of yours?
Chocolate and good coffee. (But I really don’t feel that guilty.)
10. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
I pick manicotti, it just sounds really good right now.
Here are my 4 nominations:
What’s Bec Cooking, my sister from Oz?

Life Bellissima, so glad to find your blog?

The Richmond Avenue, I want to work in your restaurant?

Quirky and Wonderful, yes you are!?
Congrats to you blogs! I’m giving you the same ten questions I had to answer plus:

11. Your spouse’s boss has heard you cook and invited himself to dinner… What are you making?

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award and Post A Quote Challenge

A sincere thank you to Smiling Notes for your nomination of the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award! I have been overwhelmed with the amount of support and friendship in the blogging community. Smiling Notes, you have a great blog and I am honored by your recognition. I am also excited to participate in your 3 day Post A Quote Challenge!

Firstly, to answer the questions for your nominees:
1 How did you decide your blog name? Is there any story behind it?

When I decided to start a blog, I knew I was going to share about my daily life. I think my mom came up with the suggestion.
2 Comedy, horror or chick flick? Which type of movie do you generally prefer?

I like to laugh, so I would say comedy, except in reality I always pick chick flicks; Romantic comedies.
3 What is your best memory till date?

I can hardly remember yesterday!
4 Heels or Flats? Which is your go to style?

Definitely flats. I gave up heels during my first pregnancy, and never looked back.
5 Favorite Pizza Topping?

Can I pick two? Feta & onion… If just one, I guess onion.
6 What did you want to be when you were little? It could be any random/ funny thing.

In first grade I did a report on this… I was going to be a singer.
7 Is there any movie which you can watch over and over and not get bored with it?

You’ve Got Mail
8 Have you ever gone to a live concert? If yes, which was the last one that you attended?

Yes. Jack Johnson? That was a while ago!
9 Do you like applying make-up? If yes, what is your make-up must have?

I want to be good at doing make up, I really do, but I’m not. If I had to pick one thing… mascara
10 Favorite Dessert?

This is subject to change, but right now I could go for some chocolate layer cake!


Recently, I was recommended by a friend to read the cookbook Momofuku. In it was this quote:

“Despite a lack of natural ability, I did have the one element necessary to all early creativity: naïveté, that fabulous quality that keeps you from knowing just how unsuited you are for what you are about to do.”

Steve Martin

That sentiment resonates with me, probably with most people. It’s easier to look back at what you’ve done and think “I didn’t know anything!” But not knowing and thinking you could is probably what allowed you to go through with it in the first place! I’m learning all of the time.

Thanks again Smiling Notes!

Sunshine Blogger Award Nomination

Thank you to stephysweetbakes for nominating me for the Sunshine Bloggers Award! I am honored. Your supportive comments are always appreciated and your extensive list of recipes is amazing!

•Thank the person who nominated you.
• Answer the questions from the person who nominated you.
• Nominate a few other bloggers.
• Write the same amount of questions for the bloggers you nominated.
• Notify the bloggers on their blog.
• Put the award button on your blog.

1.  What is it you love about blogging?

Initially I loved the self expression. It gave me an outlet that didn’t require baby talk. But I am quickly learning to appreciate a community of extremely supportive men and women who are invested in sharing their lives and know-how; and lack of for that matter!

2.  Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Hmm, my youngest would be in kindergarten… It’s kind of a bittersweet thought. What would I do with all of that free time?? I’m so engaged in my daily life that it’s hard to imagine! Have a garden maybe? Taking care of chickens and a goat probably. Still cooking. I’d have to get back to you after a good night’s sleep.

3.  Name one blog that you love that inspires you?

The Pioneer Woman! Her story about grabbing a donut and the glass case breaking made me laugh out loud. And her recipes are easy to follow and good.

4.  Do you blog as a hobby or as a job?

It’s a hobby, but I pretend it’s my job.

5.  Thinking back, where would you say you seen potential in yourself enough to actually start blogging?


Now for my nominees…
1. The annalist; your postings are uplifting and kind
2. rachelmankowitz; i see your heart in your daily life, even if I don’y have a dog
3. Natascha’s Palace; I love your creativity in the kitchen

Questions for the nominees:

1. What do you think is essential to bring on a road trip?

2. What’s the best thing you’ve ever eaten?

3. As a blogger, do you prefer screen or texts in print?