Okay, so this is a party that took place a little while ago. But it’s still a good’n. So I’ll share! We had a circus themed party for Elijah’s 1st birthday and it turned out really cute (if I do say so myself). For the first birthday of every child it is a tradition, in my extended family, to go big. Too bad, the child won’t remember… but we’ve got the pictures to remind him! The pool area was colorful, complete with cotton candy maker.
Outside the tables had circus fare of potato chips and peanuts in the shell. Inside, the table was full of cupcakes with Elijah’s picture. (An idea I got from a magazine.)
Our clown didn’t come through (text book), so dad pulled through like a champ… and still grilled the hot dogs! (Please pay no attention to the fence that needs mending. Thank you, you’re very kind.)
Of course we had face painting!
And photo ops!
(They get me every time!) We also had a slushy truck…
And a popcorn machine, to make the house smell legit.
The kids took home a goody box complete with clown noses, candy and circus tattoos.
The day was a success! (And we take that very seriously, apparently.)