
Loving Lately

Serendipitously, I’ve been reading books containing other people’s quotes. While reading a Pete the Cat book to my son, we came across this nugget:

“To begin, begin.” -William Wordsworth

There is so much wisdom in the simplicity of that! Regardless of the situation, just start; you’ll work your way through it… I love that. And I saver the moments I just want to dwell on someone’s words (hoping the wisdom is also sinking into my children). Of course, the book of Proverbs is a great place to start.

“A soft answer turneth away wrath; but grievous words stir up anger.” Proverbs 15:1 KJV

Infinite wisdom. Choose your words wisely!

…So much choice to be had.


And some people just seems to really get why;

“The pen is mightier than the sword.” -Edward Bulwar-Lytton, 1839

The whole notion that hope is worth living for… It’s powerful. Inspiration is priceless. Faith. The belief you are meant for more. Purpose…


Inspiring, right?

Undoubtedly, words do more than inspire. There really is nothing like someone saying the perfect thing, the moment you needed to hear it. There is so much comfort and healing in compassion, understanding, and kindness. There is so much to be said for timeless wisdom, the words and truisms that get passed down from generation to generation. And often it doesn’t have to be lengthy and drawn out; just to the point.

“If you cannot explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” -Albert Einstein


Thankfully, there are also humorous writings, often my personal favorites. Things can be serious, my family often (not always) tends to deal with such things with comedic relief; like Fried Green Tomatoes and Steel Magnolias. I’ll never forget years ago while my father was having a heart attack, his chronically painful knees gave out at the bottom of a set of stairs entering the garage. I was a mess at the time, hating to watch my dad suffer and in shock by the fall. Then he looked at me and quoted Tommy Boy, “Could’ve done without that.”

I envy people who have the strength to take things in stride.

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This week I was reading, Tea at the Mary Jackson House by the Milford Historical Society. In it are a variety of citations and facts that I think I enjoyed reading even more than the recipes… well, they probably enhanced one another. Anyway, one of the informative quotes that stuck out the most was this:

“Things not to be forgotten at a Picnic… A stick of horseradish, bottles of mint-sauce, salad dressing, vinegar, and made mustard, pepper, salt, good oil, and pounded sugar. If it can be managed, take a little ice. It is scarcely necessary to say that plates, tumblers, wine glasses, knives, forks and spoons, must not be forgotten; as well as tea cups and saucers, three of four teapots, some lump sugar, and milk, if this last-named article cannot be obtained in the neighborhood. Take three corkscrews. Beverages – three dozen quart bottles of ale, packed in hampers, ginger-beer, soda-water, and lemonade, of each two bottles; six bottles of sherry, six bottle of claret, champagne a discretion, and any other light wine that may be preferred, and two bottles of brandy.

Isabella Beeton, Book of Household Management, 1861

I chuckled out loud at the ‘beverages’ part. How many people were going to that picnic? Because it sounds like a plan to survive the prohibition. It’s good to laugh.

“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.” -Proverbs 17:22

Image courtesy of Instagram @oak73


There really are so many great sayings. I wish I was full of them. And I’d really like to be able to say it to you the moment you need it…

In the meantime, I can share other people’s goodies.

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Loving Lately ?

Loving Lately: Good

Our world is in a sad state. When something horrific happens it seems like one who comments (i.e. a blogger such as myself) should comment. I put temporary pressure on my shoulders to report the news, or my perspective thereof, as if I have some responsibility as a dutiful journalist. The truth is since I’m not on the front lines, I would actually just be spouting off my opinions about second hand information (which I am also tempted to do). Of course, I don’t want to seem cold or impervious by not saying anything. And then, after some reflection, I remind myself of what I’m doing. My purpose for doing this. I want to focus on the good. It doesn’t mean I have my head in the sand, or I am oblivious to what is going on. I believe with all my heart that there is a war between good and evil. It means I choose, make a conscience decision, to think about and share good.

I love that quote from Mister Rogers when addressing how to give explanation to children about the scary things that take place, ”My mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’ To this day, especially in times of disaster, I remember my mother’s words, and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers — so many caring people in this world.” I read an article this week about Chick-Fil-A and many other restaurants who donated food to people who waited hours in line to donate blood to help the victims of the massacre. I read a beautiful post from a Muslim man who waited in one of those lines to donate blood, even though he had been fasting during Ramadan, because he wanted to do his part to show that the events that took place do not reflect his beliefs. There is good.

We can not make sense of senseless acts. People say “Be the change…”, I’m not sure that’s possible. As long as we are on earth there is going to be evil- in all of its forms. I want to be the difference. So I will continue to share things I love; my kids and family, recipes and food, gatherings and places… There are enough (even good) people sharing otherwise.

So here is a picture of a few peonies from my garden. I’m not sure if you knew this, but a few years ago my family and I purchased and moved into my grandparents home. After my grandmother passed it sat vacant for a couple years. It was hard to just “put on the market,” we all had too many good years and times here. Anyway, I’m sentimental that way and it worked out that we could. She left a beautiful rose garden and I always assumed all of the flowers that remained were by her. Not too long ago an uncle of mine told me that it was my grandfather who actually wanted the peony bushes. His mother had them while he was growing up, and they reminded him of her. Isn’t that beautiful? Of course, now it is my hope that when my children see peonies they think of me… And maybe one day they will tell their children… 😉

And I Quote…

A week or two ago I came across this little gem of a quote. So when Krista at From Food Stamps to a Future challenged me to a 3 day Quote Challenge, I knew right away that this would be something I would share. There really isn’t much to elaborate on with the quote. It’s just overall how I want to be and how I want to raise my children. Thank you Krista for inviting me to participate!

Rules for the challenge:

Thank the blogger that nominated you.
Share one new quote on three consecutive days on your blog. They can be from anywhere, anyone, or anything.
On each of the three days, nominate three more bloggers to carry on with the fun! No pressure; nominees are free to decline.

My second day Quote Challenges are to the following:

Roberta at Chorizo & Thyme

Natascha at Natascha’s Palace

Claudia at OldCountryGirl