Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award and Post A Quote Challenge

A sincere thank you to Smiling Notes for your nomination of the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award! I have been overwhelmed with the amount of support and friendship in the blogging community. Smiling Notes, you have a great blog and I am honored by your recognition. I am also excited to participate in your 3 day Post A Quote Challenge!

Firstly, to answer the questions for your nominees:
1 How did you decide your blog name? Is there any story behind it?

When I decided to start a blog, I knew I was going to share about my daily life. I think my mom came up with the suggestion.
2 Comedy, horror or chick flick? Which type of movie do you generally prefer?

I like to laugh, so I would say comedy, except in reality I always pick chick flicks; Romantic comedies.
3 What is your best memory till date?

I can hardly remember yesterday!
4 Heels or Flats? Which is your go to style?

Definitely flats. I gave up heels during my first pregnancy, and never looked back.
5 Favorite Pizza Topping?

Can I pick two? Feta & onion… If just one, I guess onion.
6 What did you want to be when you were little? It could be any random/ funny thing.

In first grade I did a report on this… I was going to be a singer.
7 Is there any movie which you can watch over and over and not get bored with it?

You’ve Got Mail
8 Have you ever gone to a live concert? If yes, which was the last one that you attended?

Yes. Jack Johnson? That was a while ago!
9 Do you like applying make-up? If yes, what is your make-up must have?

I want to be good at doing make up, I really do, but I’m not. If I had to pick one thing… mascara
10 Favorite Dessert?

This is subject to change, but right now I could go for some chocolate layer cake!


Recently, I was recommended by a friend to read the cookbook Momofuku. In it was this quote:

“Despite a lack of natural ability, I did have the one element necessary to all early creativity: naïveté, that fabulous quality that keeps you from knowing just how unsuited you are for what you are about to do.”

Steve Martin

That sentiment resonates with me, probably with most people. It’s easier to look back at what you’ve done and think “I didn’t know anything!” But not knowing and thinking you could is probably what allowed you to go through with it in the first place! I’m learning all of the time.

Thanks again Smiling Notes!