
Loving Lately

I love when the chilly outdoor air permits the perfect reason for a roasting fire inside. It’s something I wait for all summer long. I can get by with bonfires, on the beach or a backyard on a chilly night, but there is nothing like getting cozy with the kids, when all is calm and well, in front a the crackling warmth of a fire at home. I like to make tea, the kids beg for cocoa, and for the moment time slows down like in the days of old.

By the Fireside – Poem by Robert Browning

How well I know what I mean to do
When the long dark autumn-evenings come:
And where, my soul, is thy pleasant hue?
With the music of all thy voices, dumb
In life’s November too!

I shall be found by the fire, suppose,
O’er a great wise book as beseemeth age,
While the shutters flap as the cross-wind blows
And I turn the page, and I turn the page,
Not verse now, only prose…

Image courtesy of James P. Jordan

As a child it’s awe-inspiring; the heat, the danger, the excitement. As an adult… it’s just as awesome.

My baby, contemplating the phenomenon of fire

In the latest issue of the Magnolia Journal, Joanna Gaines shares her excitement about the season in an article titled Anticipating Nostalgia, “…I see Chip and me fireside with all of the kids snuggled in around us, gazing at the lights till our eyes are too heavy to keep open…”


It’s just a classic tale that never gets old. You don’t “outgrow” having a fire.

Image courtesy of classygirlswearpearls.com

Traditional Irish House Blessing:

God bless the corners of this house
And be the lintel blessed.
Bless the hearth, the table too
And bless each place of rest.
Bless each door that opens wide
To stranger, kith and kin;
Bless each shining window-pane
That lets the sunshine in.
Bless the roof-tree up above
Bless every solid wall.
The peace of Man, the peace of love,
The peace of God on all.

-courtesy of appleseeds.org

I love that, “bless the hearth, the table too…” I don’t take being warm for granted.

Image courtesy of nature.desktopnexus.com

Here’s to enjoying life’s simple pleasures, and hoping you are staying warm on these chilly nights.




Featured Image courtesy of townandcountrymag.com (which also has quite a few more cozy pics if you are interested!)















