
Beautiful Blogger Award

I am honored to be the recipient of another blogging award! The Beautiful Blogger Award highlights bloggers with beautiful creativity. Thank you stephysweetbakes of Louisiana, you have been very supportive of my blog and this is my third award nomination from you! You have an extensive recipe list, an endless amount of baking creativity, and a beautiful blog!

Link the blogger who nominated you.
List seven random things about yourself.
Nominate seven creative, beautiful bloggers.
Notify the people that you nominate.

Thank you Stephy of stephysweetbakes for this nomination!

Ok, seven random things about me:

  1. In high school I thought I would have eight children. ?
  2. I like black vehicles. Whenever I am car shopping, no matter what the make or model, I always gravitate toward black paint.
  3. I give myself mental quizzes regularly, like naming capital cities for the states or the Greek alphabet or the periodic table…
  4. I had a “breathtaking” experience. We were driving north along Highway 1 in California (somewhere between Monterey and San Francisco); on my right were vast mountains, on my left was ocean as far as I could see. And it literally took my breath away, I gasped for air. And after I caught my breath I thought, “that’s why they have those sayings.”
  5. I plug my nose when I jump into water. It’s embarrassing.
  6. When I was a little girl I didn’t like strawberries. I remember thinking to myself (for whatever reason) “I want to be the kind of girl who eats strawberries.” I don’t know, maybe I thought it seemed healthy? Maybe it was the influence of the cartoon Strawberry Shortcake? The thought makes me laugh now. But I did, I made myself eat them.
  7. I’ve kissed the Blarney Stone. (But I already had the gift of gab)

Now for my nominees:

  1. My French Heaven, a girl can dream…
  2. Bright, Shiny Objects, I enjoy the way you write
  3. Serena Glow- Health, Vitality and Food, I appreciate your natural methods of beauty inside and out
  4. Rachel Schultz, what do I need to say
  5. What’s Bec Cooking, my kindred cook ?
  6. The Richmond Avenue, I’m a fan
  7. Once Upon A Chef, you make perfection seem attainable

Thanks again Stephy!

Liebster Award

Thank you very much Bec of What’s Bec Cooking for nominating me for the Liebster Award! Bec currently lives in Australia, the land down under. She has an amazing blog and can cook anything from homemade bread and chicken curry to boutique-worthy cupcakes and chocolate mousse.
The Liebster Award is an award of recognition and appreciation given to bloggers from bloggers. It’s passed to encourage connection and support within the blogging community and to aid in the discovery of new and upcoming bloggers. I am very appreciative!

1 Thank the blogger who nominated you with a link back to his/her blog.
2 Answer the questions asked by the nominator.
3 Nominate 5 – 11 bloggers with fewer than 500 followers.
4 Answer the questions from the blogger who nominated you.
5 Create 11 questions for your nominees.

My questions from Bec are:
1 What’s been your proudest moment in life?
•Probably holding each of my babies after delivery. There is nothing like it; the moment you’ve been waiting for arrived, the pain behind, and baby in arms. My last baby weighed 12 lbs 2 oz!
2 What would be your dream job?
•This changes daily. Today I’d like to be a coffee roaster.
3 What’s your worst cooking disaster in the kitchen?
•Where do I start? Sometimes experimenting becomes a disaster. I can only remember one time when it was too bad to eat… but I can’t remember what it was!
4 What do you love about blogging?
•The illusion of having a professional career.
5 What do you dislike about blogging?
•Sometimes my real job (being mom) keeps me from being as creative as I’d like to be.
6 What could you not live without?
•A personal relationship with my savior.
7 If you were a superhero, what would be your super power? 🙂
•Without question, I would fly.
8 What’s your fondest childhood memory?
•I’ve had a great life and picturesque childhood full of perfect holidays, birthdays, and week days; I can’t pick one. Thank you mom and dad!
9 What’s your favourite food?
10 What’s your favourite recipe?
•Sorry to say, it is at a chain restaurant; I love the Spicy Cashew Chicken at the Cheesecake Factory, every time.
11 Who’s your hero?
•Hmmm, let’s have some fun… I love Captain America’s sense of duty and commitment to his moral standards. But I recently saw Antman and he was surprisingly likable.

Thank you Bec! I love your blog and thank you for your support of mine.

My nominees are:
Old Orchard Chronicles, I love your transparency
Smiling Notes, thank you for your regular encouragement
Indfused, your creativity is inspiring
Old Country Girl, everything you make looks delicious
Low Carb Simple, I appreciate your niche

My questions for my nominees are:
Would you prefer a night at the opera or at a ball game?
Who is your biggest social media influence?
What would be your perfect evening?
What is your favorite season and why?
You just were awarded dinner for two at a 5 star restaurant, who do you bring?
Are you a big breakfast person?
Where was your last vacation?
If you could have any one talent what would it be?
What is your favorite holiday?
What is the best dessert you ever ate?
It’s your birthday and you can celebrate anywhere in the world, where are you going?

Loving Lately ❤

Welcome to my first edition of “Loving Lately!” Don’t you love it when you make a commitment, oh say like posting a weekly something on your blog, and unforeseen circumstances, for example; I don’t know, your 97 year old dear friend is hospitalized for dehydration, take precedence? So it’s time to post somethings you are really excited about and dedicated to sharing, but you haven’t. So you are left updating your post all morning so that every time someone looks at it, it’s different and you are completely inconsistent, which is the total opposite of what you have in mind… Welcome to my nest!

I have so many things to share!

1st Love of Late (actually for a while): Exodus Sandals (pictured above courtesy of Exodus Sandals)

All materials in Exodus Sandals are made in the USA. They are a “barefoot shoe.” It’s an ultralight easy wearing shoe that will comfortably stay on your foot from water to land or hike. It’s also a minimalist shoe in concept, in that there are few pieces, and they are hand crafted. I have a pair of the “XO original” sandals, but they come in a few varieties and colors depending on your preference and terrain. They are awesome! And you can find them at

2nd Love: Mòz Extra Virgin Olive Oil

A few months ago I visited the Marco Island Farmer’s Market with my mother-in-law (who happens to be a regular) for the first time. Since it was still chilly in Michigan, the selection of fresh fruits and vegetables was a warm welcome (let alone the sunshine and warm temperatures). The array of breads, baked goods, cheeses, and artisan crafted foods were fantastic. One of the vendors that caught my eye had a large selection of olive oils and various crafted condiments. After sampling a few, it didn’t take long to fall in love. Mòz is an extra virgin olive oil from Portugal. The vendor aptly described it as if “olive oil and butter had a baby.” He was right. It’s yummilicious.

It’s pricier than my regular organic olive oil that I use for cooking and baking. I recommend using it as a finishing oil, to drizzle on a soup or salad, or for dipping bread; someway that you will be tasting it directly and want to taste deliciousness.

3rd Love Lately: The Shine Brush

I’d like to introduce to you “The Shine Brush” via “The Wet Brush,” maybe you’ve already met. After bath brush outs are less than enjoyable to either party (loathe). I can honestly say this brush has made it more bearable.  But don’t limit yourself to just wet hair, and the whole family uses it (not just the long haired)! I found mine at Ulta, and they often have coupons on-line and in their mailers. (Another tip, for long hair is starting at the bottom and working your way up… And sulfate free hair conditioners).

Thank you for visiting my first installment of Loving Lately! I have a lot of loves, it’s hard to limit them to a few… many more to come! If you have any suggestions of products and websites to check out, please contact me!

Another Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award!

My second Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award nomination! Thank you so much Linda Creation! I love the diverse ethnicity in your food. I don’t think you are afraid to cook anything.

The Rules:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you, including a link back to their site.

2. Put the award logo on your blog.

3. Answer the ten questions the blogger has sent you.

4. Create ten new questions for your nominees to answer.

5. Nominate ten people of your own. (You can notify them to make them aware)
My Questions &  Answers:
1. Blogging to you is a real or virtual world?
Both: It’s personal and real in that sense. But the vast amount of information seems endless and hard to fathom, almost unrealistic.

2. You would call yourself an introvert or an extrovert?
Can I say both again? Mostly extrovert, an extroverted homebody.

3. Top 3 things in your to-do list..
I like Linda’s answers: Family, Blog & Photography.

4. Your role model and why?
It would have to be Jesus. He went around doing good, healing the sick and speaking life.

5. What do you enjoy most about blogging?
I love the typing, writing, photography, planning posts, etc. It’s perfect for me, and an excellent diversion from my daily life (which I also love, but in a different way.)

6. Sisterhood to your means..
I have a sister, and friends that are like sisters; the relationships are priceless. It’s selfless and giving, trusting and a meaningful connection.

7. Do you enjoy nominations?
Yes!!! I am so thankful that fellow bloggers appreciate what I’m doing!

8. Your Favourite drink..

8. Any addictions?
Literally, I hope there is not a habit in my life I couldn’t leave behind in an instant. But if I don’t drink a cup of coffee in the morning, I will get a headache.

9. What do you want to earn more money or fame?
Money? It would be nice to take my family on vacation.

10. Free-be! Thanks again Linda!!

My Nominations:

1. Natascha’s Palace

2. How Mummy Flowers does it

3. Cooking With a Wallflower

4. theantiramen

5. Smiling Notes

6. Darie’s Daily Dish

7. With All My Affection

8. Aromatic Essence

9. Farm Raised Cooking

10. The View From Bridge Street

Your Questions:

1. What is your favorite activity (aside from blogging)?

2. Who is your biggest blogging inspiration?

3. Is there a dish you are intimidated to try to make?

4. What did you eat for breakfast?

5. Where is your dream destination?

6. If you had 1 more hour in a day, how would you use it?

7. For traveling do you prefer boat, plane, train or automobile?

8. Skiing in the Alps or bumming it on the beach?

9. Have you ever done karaoke?

10. What’s your favorite form of pampering?

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award and Post A Quote Challenge

A sincere thank you to Smiling Notes for your nomination of the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award! I have been overwhelmed with the amount of support and friendship in the blogging community. Smiling Notes, you have a great blog and I am honored by your recognition. I am also excited to participate in your 3 day Post A Quote Challenge!

Firstly, to answer the questions for your nominees:
1 How did you decide your blog name? Is there any story behind it?

When I decided to start a blog, I knew I was going to share about my daily life. I think my mom came up with the suggestion.
2 Comedy, horror or chick flick? Which type of movie do you generally prefer?

I like to laugh, so I would say comedy, except in reality I always pick chick flicks; Romantic comedies.
3 What is your best memory till date?

I can hardly remember yesterday!
4 Heels or Flats? Which is your go to style?

Definitely flats. I gave up heels during my first pregnancy, and never looked back.
5 Favorite Pizza Topping?

Can I pick two? Feta & onion… If just one, I guess onion.
6 What did you want to be when you were little? It could be any random/ funny thing.

In first grade I did a report on this… I was going to be a singer.
7 Is there any movie which you can watch over and over and not get bored with it?

You’ve Got Mail
8 Have you ever gone to a live concert? If yes, which was the last one that you attended?

Yes. Jack Johnson? That was a while ago!
9 Do you like applying make-up? If yes, what is your make-up must have?

I want to be good at doing make up, I really do, but I’m not. If I had to pick one thing… mascara
10 Favorite Dessert?

This is subject to change, but right now I could go for some chocolate layer cake!


Recently, I was recommended by a friend to read the cookbook Momofuku. In it was this quote:

“Despite a lack of natural ability, I did have the one element necessary to all early creativity: naïveté, that fabulous quality that keeps you from knowing just how unsuited you are for what you are about to do.”

Steve Martin

That sentiment resonates with me, probably with most people. It’s easier to look back at what you’ve done and think “I didn’t know anything!” But not knowing and thinking you could is probably what allowed you to go through with it in the first place! I’m learning all of the time.

Thanks again Smiling Notes!

The Creative Blogger Award

I am so honored to be the recipient of two awards! I love the idea of bloggers supporting bloggers. As a busy mom my time to read is limited. When I do get the time, I am astounded at the amount of talent out there. These awards shed light on individuals I may have never found otherwise.

There are always going to be more talented people than me; people who captivate readers with a single sentence, and take on meaningful subjects I don’t want to touch. There are those whose photography blow my shots of dinner out of the water! I never am going to have the life of an adventurer sharing some trek in the Congo. I don’t want to be a 5 star chef, I just want to feed my family good food. I am content in life; I am raising four beautiful children; I am a dedicated wife; I am a follower of Christ. I’m not trying to be something I’m not, and sharing that with you has been unexpectedly fulfilling.

Thank you stephysweetbakes for appreciating what I do. Your creativity is astounding, I aspire to make my pies look like yours!

Rules of the Award

1.  Nominate 15-20 blogs and notify the nominees.
2.  Post the link of the blog that nominated you.
3.  Share five random facts about yourself.

My Five Random Facts:

1. I prefer my deodorant and baking powder aluminum free

2. I have no business having a hobby that requires knowledge of social media

3. I don’t have a natural love of fish or seafood, I coerce myself

4. I love thunderstorms

5. I loathe sharing french fries, I’d much rather buy you your own

My Nominees (in no particular order):

1. Emerging Adult Eats

2. Savory Stalks

3. Beauty & Living

4. The Travelling Pantry

5. Fueled By Vegetables

6. Farm Raised Cooking

7. Italian Home Kitchen Blog

8. What Mary Made Next

9. My Pinch of Yum

10. Food Fellowship & Wine

11. Take Two Tapas

12. Big Girls Small Kitchen

13. Bright, Shiny Objects

The Starlight Blogger Award

Thank you to Natascha’s Palace for nominating me for the Starlight Blogger Award. Your creativity in the kitchen is a lot of fun to read and your dedication to be a positive influence in your students lives is refreshing. I am flattered you find my posts inspiring!

For the readers who may not know, the Starlight Blogger Award is the nomination and award in itself, it is the recognition of bloggers by bloggers. I enjoy sharing my life with you and am honored to be named for this award!

The rules of this award are:
▪ Thank the giver and link their blog to your post.
▪ Answer the 3 questions given to you.
▪ Please pass the award on to 6 or more other bloggers of your choice and let them know that they have been nominated by you.
▪ Include the logo of the award in a post or on your blog please never alter the logo and never change the rules.
▪ This Award is created to highlight and promote Inspiring Bloggers
▪ Nominate your 6 favorite bloggers and pass on the award! This is hard to do. There are so many more than 6 that I enjoy reading, but all of these 6 are the ones that inspire me more than others.
▪ You are not required to participate. If you choose not to participate, no worries.

What do you think is your best quality?
I don’t know if it’s my best quality, but something I like about myself is that I don’t take myself very seriously. Life’s too short. You’ve got to be able to laugh at yourself.

What is your dream destination?
Easy! My dream is to go to New Zealand. It’s been my dream for years. I want to see the mountains and lush landscape. I just need my little travelers to get a little bigger.

Who or what inspires you?
God and all of His creation. Look outside!

The questions for my nominees:
1. What is your favorite dessert?

2. What’s one thing you now would tell your teenage self if you could?

3. What was the message in the last good book you read?
I understand that truly some of my nominees will most likely will never know of their designation, but I’m keeping it inspirationally real because they are what I read.
My nominees:

The Pioneer Woman, I would love to be as comfortable as you portray making meals.

How Sweet Eats, do you have a photo studio in your kitchen?

My French Heaven, your life in France is a dream.

Hello Emilie, my first travel destination choice is New Zealand but you make Australia a close second.

The Unusual Cookbook, your blog is newer to me, but I’m enjoying your recipes.

Cooking Without Limits, thank you for your writing on parsley!

Please don’t delete this note: The design for the STARLIGHT Bloggers Award has been created from Yesterday After is a Copyright image you cannot alter or change it in any way just pass it to others that deserve this award.


It has been brought to my attention that there may not be enough drama on my blog. Somehow this has equated to being not relate-able. You want a little more reality? Here it is…
My throat hurts, bad; like on fire! I’m pretty sure I was running a fever last night, I know I had the chills. If I had a job that required attendance by employer, I would call in sick. But I’m a mom. I don’t have that option. My arm feels like it’s going to fall off. My infant has a crazy skin rash condition. It makes him want to scratch his face off and remove both of his ears. He has to be under constant surveillance, usually held in restraint. I should have biceps like Angela Bassett.

My two year old is never full. He is constantly asking for snacks. He’s hungry after he eats breakfast. (And I mean a breakfast that would fill you). I make him wait an hour, full of begging mind you, until I let him have a yogurt. And then he’ll ask for a snack. I’m not kidding this is my day. He also poops as much as he eats, which means I ask my four year old daughter to watch the baby (to keep him from removing his cheeks) while I change at least 4-5 poopy diapers, on a child who by most standards should be potty trained. (This doesn’t include his wet ones or any of his brother’s.)

My infant who is now 7 months old, still doesn’t sleep through the night, so neither do I. I’m exhausted! And every time we take him out people stare at him like he’s a freak. Honestly, you should have seen him two months ago! We have taken him to over a dozen doctors, including the University of Michigan, Motts and Children’s Hospital in Detroit. I’ve had my fill of suggestions and unsolicited advice. (Actually if you had a good idea, I’d consider it. Don’t mind me right now.) I’m tired of explaining the situation at the grocery store. And because I’m a mom, I still have guilt, so I rationalize with things like “at least they see the other kids look ok, so I hope they don’t think we are totally neglectful.” He’s drinking goat’s milk now, so I get to carry another bag around to keep it chilled. Awesome.

My third grader learned more about anatomy and life from friends this year than I think I knew in high school. Thank you parents for being so open with your kids! Could you ask them not to share until the other kids parents are ready to talk to their own children? My kids don’t believe in Santa, I’ve asked them not to tell your kids. (I believe I do owe an apology to one family member that comes to mind, very sorry.)

Talking about food on a blog makes me think about food more. I also want to try more food when I’m out for inspiration on new recipes. I can see this wreaking havoc on the waistline. I’m certain that’s why I read so much about fennel greens topped with lemon juice and fitbits. I get it, but I’m not there, yet. That’s not how my family eats. Am I frustrated that my pants are tight? Absolutely. And I’d like to have a doughnut, please.

I don’t like the #hashtag #game. I’d rather #read an #article than all of your score signs. But I suppose that’s how to #getahead in the #blog world? Hey #mommybloggers #nominate @sadiesnest for #keepingitreal

My husband is great in the supporting department. He’s a great dad. Just know while he’s making ‘dude perfect’ videos, I’m making dinner or cleaning it up, or catching up on dishes and laundry, it’s a vicious cycle. But that’s okay, because they come with my husband and kids… and I love my family!

Well I hope you enjoyed my venting session, free of charge. Is this relate-able? The truth is I love my happy blog. I take every picture, write every story and make every recipe (unless credited otherwise), so it’s very real to me… Except it’s a wonderful distraction from my reality.